Network / Data / Systems Admin

GIS Specialist

  • Competitive hourly rate on offer
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Work in a Queensland Government role
  • Brisbane location
  • Location: Brisbane, Queensland - Australia
  • Work type: Contract
  • Date Posted: 20 January, 2025
  • Reference: #17427
  • Location: Brisbane, Queensland
  • Type: Contract
  • Job #17427

About the role

This role will supply GIS expertise and capacity to the BQ systems and data continuous improvement (CI) delivery stream.  It is a complementary skillset to the existing BIS team who are the system managers and data analysts for BQ’s core platforms. This role will mitigate key areas of service delivery and reputational risk by building organisational capability and consistency in spatial data management processes and delivery of quality spatial information products.  This will promote consistent use and representation of BQ’s data and information so it can be used with confidence in decision making and to support response and incident management capability.

Key responsibilities

  • Provide a consistent and reliable expert service to all program areas both proactively and reactively.
  • Take a strategic view of managing and improving spatial information and platforms
  • Advance the implementation and uptake of existing tools to get better visualization of data (maps and related reports).
  • Increase the value of BQ’s data through improved management of source data so it can be used on maps easier and faster
  • Develop capability across BQ program areas in GIS practice so that better use of mapping can support BQ’s activities.

Highly desirable

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including teamwork and working directly with clients, stakeholders and service providers.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team to manage, improve and support organisation wide spatial platforms.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving capability.
  • Experience working in scientific, emergency response and/or disaster recovery organisations
  • Developing custom GIS applications and tools to meet specific project or user requirements.
  • Providing training and technical support to GIS users within an organisation.


For a confidential chat, please contact Maddy on 0436 438 272 or via email at and we would be more than happy to provide you with additional information and assist in the application process.

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